22nd May 2012

Open Street Map Marathon

We are doing a marathon update session for www.OpenStreetMap.org.

Open Street Map Logo_Cambodia Map_Small

Date: this Saturday, 26th May
Time: 8am Saturday – 1am Sunday
Location: House32 Web Design
#67E1, Street 178, Chey Chumneas, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

This is because, on this map, Cambodia is in need of the following:

  1. district and province boundaries,
  2. protected areas,
  3. revision of roads classification in Phnom Penh (too many primary and secondary roads),
  4. deletion of duplicate roads southwest of Wat Phnom,
  5. addition of roads to Sihanoukville,
  6. adding of railway line to Sihanoukville and Poipet,
  7. addition of building footprints to Phnom Penh, and
  8. the OSM Cambodia wiki needs updating!

During this marathon we will also have two extra cool things happening:

  1. a 1 hour OpenLayers tutorial to show how to create a webmap on your website with OpenStreetMap data!
  2. a programmer will be in attendance updating the font used on OpenStreetMap so that it contains Khmer characters. Thereby, OpenStreetMap will finally display Khmer script correctly and so will many other open source projects that use the font!


  1. Bulk uploading of:
    • sangkats (maybe)
    • khans
    • kats
    • national parks
      1. from Forestry Administration
      2. from Ministry of Environment
    • roads in Sihanoukville (see agenda item 5)
    • Railway lines to Sihanoukville and Poipet
  2. Revision of road classification in Phnom Penh
    • reduce the number of secondary (orange) and primary (pink) roads
      1. where necessary: convert secondary roads to tertiary (up a level)
      2. where necessary: convert secondary roads to residential (down a level)
      3. where necessary: convert primary roads down to the appropriate level (for example St 182 should be changed down to a tertiary road)
    • use the roads classification of Qebec city, Sydney and Siem Reap for inspiration/guidance
  3. openstreetmap.org/wiki/wikiproject_cambodia requires updating
    • update list of volunteers
    • use wiki project Australia and USA for inspiration regarding:
      1. subheadings
      2. other content
    • provide a paragraph discussing road classification problem in Phnom Penh
      1. link to OSM roads classification webpage
      2. provide actual roads of Phnom Penh/Cambodia as examples of classes (e.g. residential class is St 95)
  4. Remove duplicate roads in Phnom Penh
    • in the are southwest of Wat Phnom
  5. Add roads to Sihanoukville
    • by digitizing off a geotiff from Google Earth, or
    • bulk upload from a roads dataset
  6. 1 hour OpenLayers tutorial to show people how to embed a webmap using OpenStreetMaps data
  7. Upload or digitise building footprints in Phnom Penh
    (we could have some architecture students participate to do this)

In order to prepare well for the event, please read the following notes.

Whilst House32 have some computers for the event, if you have one, please bring it with you. You will also need to install a program called JOSM on your computer, used to edit Open Street Map. The program is available here: http://josm.openstreetmap.de/. Don’t worry about internet, House32 has wireless for you.

17 hours is a long time. A marathon even. You do not have to come for the whole event. Just come for as much time as you have available. You can even come and go throughout the day. We will introduce people to Open Street Map at the start, showing how to edit it and, if needed, install an editing program called JOSM. If you come later though, don’t worry because we can still show you how to use it.

Don’t worry if you don’t know much about maps or Open Street Map. We have many simple tasks to complete. Once these are done, the map will look much better and you will have something to be proud of.

បាទបាន,​ មនុស្សពាក់កណ្តាលដែលចូលរួមជាខ្មែរ! យើងចង់អោយអ្នកសរសេរភាសារនៅក្នុង Open Street Map.

If anyone has a folding table/card table they can bring along, please do so as there may not be enough at House 32. If you want to bring a table though, please reply about this in case everyone decides to bring one!

Friends have kindly offered to pay for some food and drink during the event, although you’re welcome to bring some along as well.

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